Monday, April 9, 2007


So I ignored the Squirrel until the next morning and when I looked, he was gone.
What do you think happened?

1. Another animal dragged it off?
2. A nice neighbor took care of it for me?
3. The squirrel was ressurrected?
4. Nasty person put it on my porch?
5. Other?


Crystal said...

I don't know why you can't be over 26 to get the HPV shot. The only possible reason I came up with is the body's still developing.

Oh, and I used my Jeffrey Dahmer stare on some teenager the other day. What is wrong with me??? ;)

Lesley said...

LOL, you kill me!

Erin Byrge said...

Who cares?!?! At least you didn't have to do it!!

h said...

I think another animal ate it. ;)

alanna rose said...

I think a neighbor took care of it. Growing up (and now, too) my sister and I would get really upset about road kill, so mom and dad just always took care of it before it became an issue - I'm guessing someone in your neighborhood also has soft-hearted kids.

Andrea said...

I agree with Heather...dinner for something...